Saturday 22 August 2009

Safaring (III)

Mala Mala Game Reserve, South Africa.
More photos here and here.


SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Now you are posting something which I love of course. :)

I do think you are going to have to come back for a visit here soon Jose. These are terrific shots.

My favourite animal is the cheetah and I have always wanted one as a pet. h I want a baby elephant too, but resist the temptation when I think of the big scoop I will have to get to clean up after him. LOL!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Luna is very excited to see her distant cousins on your blog!
God bless you!

Lowell said...

Great series of shots, JM. I'd guess they were taken on film and scanned. They are excellent.

Is there any place in the world you have not been? I'm amazed at your travels.

This safari must have been a lot of fun! Scary, too? The shot of the lion with that meat in his mouth is a bit frightening!

Sahildeki Ev said...

Nice shots of lions. Very impressive..

Celeste Maia said...

Que belas fotos voce tirou! Eu estive no Masai Mara, no Quenia, e em Phinda em Kwala Zulo, Africa do Sul. Mas as minhas fotos nao sao tao boas como as suas.