Outrora uma antiga cidade do Império Romano (situada a 22 kms de Nápoles, Itália), Pompeia foi completamente destruída pelas cinzas resultantes duma grande erupção do vulcão Vesúvio em 79 d.C.. Manteve-se oculta por 1600 anos antes de ser reencontrada por acaso. Pompei, an ancient city of the Roman Empire (22 kms from Naples, Italy), was destroyed by an enourmous eruption of the Vesuvius vulcano in the year of 79 a.C.. It was found by accident 1.600 years later.
Good morning and thank you for your comment ! I believe, your trip by felucca was a great experience.My husband and son were two years ago in Egypt seeing places, where tourists do not usually get. The journey was guided by Finnish architect, who has connections with right people.Husband and son were thrilled :) I have been in Rome two times and once also in Pompei. I remember exactly same places, which I can see from your photos. It was fine and awful in same time to see those signs of a big catastrophe.
I finished all other my blogs except my Aminus pages.
If you have sometimes extra time welcome to this URL: http://leejattas.aminus.com
Good morning and thank you for your comment !
I believe, your trip by felucca was a great experience.My husband and son were two years ago in Egypt seeing places, where tourists do not usually get. The journey was guided by Finnish architect, who has connections with right people.Husband and son were thrilled :)
I have been in Rome two times and once also in Pompei. I remember exactly same places, which I can see from your photos. It was fine and awful in same time to see those signs of a big catastrophe.
I finished all other my blogs except my Aminus pages.
If you have sometimes extra time welcome to this URL:
Have a good beginning week!
Sorry! I have forgotten number 3 from my URL!
It should be http://leejattas.aminus3.com
La tragica historia que le dio ese reconocimiento a Pompeya.
El Vesuvio mostro que la naturaleza arrebata lo que reclama como suyo.
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