Monday, 23 May 2011

Mayan Numerals

Building wall at Flores, Guatemala


Lowell said...

Fascinating! I'm not particularly good at math. This would confuse me totally!

Unknown said...

Los Mayas eran la bomba. Yo estuve en su zona y me quede impresionado.
Un saludo.

Travel France Online said...

It looks very "modern" and makes me think of "dominos".
I am going to have a peek on google and try to work out how it works...

Cezar and Léia said...

Very interesting signs!Now some exercise about imagination! :)

Crazy Tourists said...

Number 20 is really strange!! It reminds me the yin-yang symbol!

Photo Cache said...

very interesting. doesn't look ancient to me.

Lindsay said...

Looks a good system to me , but just to lower the tone of the comments, couldn't help thinking those bottom figures looked like pieces of yummy cake with cherries on top! Sorry.

BrandNewStudio said...

Tank you for sharing

Pooch Purple Reign said...

ive never seen this before. neat-o

magda said...

Maya! This race is so advanced !!!
Wanterful photo!