Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Lake Nasser, Egypt

19 comments: said...

Great composition. The pilot was very accommodating to maneuver the wing to shade your camera lens.

Lowell said...

Incredible! What a view! It would seem to be a wonderful way to look at the tail end of the day! :-)

Cezar and Léia said...

BRAVO! que foto mais linda!Vc é genial com sua camera, e tão creativo!Que cores, quanta magia!

Indrani said...

Wonderful capture with the lighting.

Stevenson Q said...

Wow JM! Just as every post you share, I'm left speechless for a few seconds! Btw, While I'm on my Break earlier, I was surfing through your Blog when my Co-Teacher saw your Brazil Post and they were like woowed as well! I was really bragging about your Blog when I realized they're writing down the address and told me their gonna be visiting this frequently as well! You really really inspire us by bringing us to the Wonderful Places you've been! Keep it up! I'll always be a big fan here in The Philippines! We all hope you can visit our Country soon too! :D


Elisa said...

That´s amazing!
How did you take this picture? Bravo!
Best regards

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! I hope you were not sitting on the wing to take this Jose? :)

What a stunning picture!! I love flying.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

superb color!!

Serline said...

Lovely colours... sunrise?

Pooch Purple Reign said...

thats a great shot. i love when you can see the earth from above. intense colour!

niagara falls is definitely worth the effort. i didnt know that a part of the pirates of the caribbean movie was filmed there also. cool


Barb said...

you always have the most amazing photos....Barb

Unknown said...

This is beautiful or shall i call it skyscape.

eden said...

Wow, such a lovely capture. Great photo.

tapirgal said...

I love taking photos from planes, but rarely have had such a colorful one. The lake is so subtle. Gorgeous. Thanks for your comment on the paving stones of Manaus. I first noticed the wavy black and white paving in Sao Paulo and used it as my first post on Tapirgal's Daily Image. I think I have a few more. I'll have to check out your other pix to see if you've posted some. I appreciate the info on where the idea came from.

Dianne said...

So pleased I found your site - the photos are stunning- especially this one. What wonderful photo shots are to be had looking out of a plane window.

Tinsie said...

Beautiful shot. I usually fly at night, but you can get such beautiful colours in day time!

Elettra said...

extraordinary picture congratulations

Z said...

A M A Z I N G!!!!!!

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Brilliant photo.
Melbourne Daily Photo